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Nexus Coalition partners with the 12 sectors of our community including; schools, law enforcement, parents, businesses, news/media, healthcare, state/ local/ tribal, civic & volunteer groups, youth service, religious/ fraternal, and other (meaning everyone, including you and your organization!)

Nexus could not accomplish all we do without the help and support of the community! We appreciate ALL of our community partners! Below is a highlight of partners that go above and beyond to help support the mission of Nexus Coalition and drive prevention efforts forward in Navajo County.


The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program is a grant-funded initiative of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) that provides assistance to Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies operating in areas determined to be critical drug trafficking regions of the United States. HIDTA funds are used to enhance and improve the collective efforts of law enforcement to interdict, investigate, and prosecute those who traffic in drugs. Law enforcement organizations within HIDTAs assess drug trafficking problems and design specific initiatives to reduce or eliminate the production, manufacture, transportation, distribution, and chronic use of illegal drugs and money laundering.

Randy Moffitt with AZ HIDTA is a champion partner with Nexus, helping in any way needed especially connecting Nexus services to tribal agencies and partners.


SACLAz was developed to strengthen and support the collective impact of substance awareness coalitions in Arizona.

The primary goal of SACLAz is preventing youth use of drugs and alcohol. Substance awareness coalitions create a vehicle for people from all sectors of the community to come together to determine and implement solutions to substance abuse problems in their prospective communities.

Nexus Coalition is on the executive steering committee for SACLAZ. 


Blue Ridge Unified School District is a rural district located in the east-central part of the state.  The community sits around 7000 feet of elevation perched atop the Mogollon Rim.  In 2012, the population was approximated at 4272 people.  That population tends to spike during the summer months to an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 people.  The community borders the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation, which lies to the south.  The District community demographics reflect the current regional trend of increasing cultural diversity in the Southwestern region of the United States.  The District currently has approximately 2165 students enrolled.  Caucasians comprise 78% of the enrolled student population.  Hispanics make up 11% of the population.  Native American heritage is reflected in 10% of the population.  African Americans and Asian students comprise slightly less than 1% of the demographic breakdown respectively. 

Becky Montoya-Wright, BRUSD counselor, has been a champion partner connecting Nexus and the Blue Ridge School District for services.

WUSD, working together with community, will empower all students to achieve their highest potential, graduating prepared for higher learning and careers.

"As the Superintendent, I am excited at the opportunity to create and impact positive change to create a safe, inclusive, equitable and effective learning environment for all students. I believe that if we support teaching and learning by putting proper systems in place and focusing on the right work, we will create a culture of achievement. I look forward to a school year of growing and glowing!"

-Superintendent Leeann Lacapa



At Indian Wells, we believe in a safe learning environment. We encourage and challenge all students to be life-long learners, to set high goals for themselves, and to reach their full potential without leaving their cultural identity behind. Indian Wells is committed to helping our students be the best they can be!


Nexus Coalition extends sincere gratitude and appreciation to ALL of our community partners who contribute to the success and mission of the coalition. Thank you!!

Friends of Navajo County Anti-Drug Coalition, Inc 

EIN: 26-0468100 Nonprofit 501(c)3

​​Call us:

(928) 243-2014


PO Box 948 Taylor, AZ 85939

Taylor Office: 180 S Main St. Ste C Taylor, AZ 85939

 Lakeside Office: 1593 Johnson Drive Lakeside, AZ 85929

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